QSBS Webinar Recording

On June 11, Adero Partners hosted a webinar on Tax Planning with Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) with special guest Christopher Karachale, a Partner at Hanson Bridgett.

QSBS is one of the best individual tax benefits available today. Under current tax law, the IRS provides a $10,000,000 capital gains exclusion under Section 1202 of the US Tax Code which can greatly benefit founders, start-up employees, angel investors, and venture capital partners.

During this webinar, our team provided an introduction to QSBS, discussed qualifications, shared planning opportunities, and presented two case studies. Christopher Karachale shared insights about his experience working with QSBS as a tax attorney in the SF Bay Area, and we answered some questions from the audience. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our team!

View the webinar recording by clicking the play button below.

Conclusion and Resources

Understanding QSBS tax planning is essential for founders, start-up employees, angel investors, and venture capital partners. A wealth advisor with tax expertise can help you identify QSBS and navigate the various rules and planning opportunities.

For more information on QSBS, you can explore these resources:

Discover how Adero Partners can help
Optimize Your Wealth with QSBS

Contact Aaron White - aaron@aderopartners.com

Contact Krissy Rhoades - krissy@aderopartners.com

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